Tuesday, November 27, 2012

New training routine!

squat! :)

Today I started my new training routine. From now on I will do 3 circuit trainings and 1 interval training in a week. 

I changed previous split workout to circuit training because:
* my goal is to burn fat and toned muscles
* I don't want to build more muscles, I am satisfied with the one I already have
* I like to challenge my body
* due to mu instructor work I do not always have a day for my own training and I ended with doing only legs and back in the week - now, with the same amount of time I will train all body at the same workout
* I got some great workout buddy who is doing quite the same routine and we will motivate each other (cheers Ania! :) )

an example of circuit training

Circuit training is the one you engage all your main body muscles. You do each exercise for one muscle group, go to another exercise, train other muscle, then train another and ho back to the first exercise. You are doing stations, changing exercises quickly, doing plenty of repetitions (from 10 to 20). Everything in a high tempo to sweat and burn more calories. 

My today's training, circuit 1:

warm up (5 min.): 2 minutes on cross trainer, minutes of running in place, 20 jumping jacks, 10 burpees, 20 low squats

1) legs/butt squat with barbell 12x17kg 12x17kg 12x17kg
hip trust exercise with barbell

2) glutes/butt hip trust with barbell 12x17kg 12x17kg 12x17kg
3) chest push ups (classic) 1x20 1x20 1x20
4) triceps dips 1x12 1x12 1x12
5) shoulders shoulder press with barbell (smith machine) 5x12kg 10x7kg 12x7kg
6) back seated row machine for upper back 12x10kg 12x10kg 12x10kg
crunch up exercise - both blades and hip goes up
7) abs crunch up 1x20kg 1x20kg 1x20kg
8) core/abs plank 1x60s 1x60s 1x60s

All training took me 45 minutes, together with stretch session in the end :)


  1. It's really impressive that you can do 20 consecutive push-ups!

  2. Thank U! :) I started with 20 2 month ago and now I can do 60 in a one training. Practice makes perfect! ;)
